A nurse was attacked by her axe-wielding boyfriend 2 Nov 2001 A nurse was attacked by her axe-wielding boyfriend while he was on bail for torturing her during an horrific two-day ordeal at her home, the Old Bailey heard today. (MON) Delia Balmer, 43, told jur This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register The New Zealand born woman tearfully told jurors t A mother who recorded her son confessing to the ki MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsSuicide victim’s body ended up in train cab next to the driver FAILED MY DRIVING TEST? WILL A WAD OF NOTES DO? He has to tell the police when he wants sex THE JILTED LOVER ‘Mr Big’ hid 125 packets of crack behind his scrotum Recent PostsSuicide victim’s body ended up in train cab next to the driver FAILED MY DRIVING TEST? WILL A WAD OF NOTES DO? He has to tell the police when he wants sex THE JILTED LOVER ‘Mr Big’ hid 125 packets of crack behind his scrotum MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsThe sex attacker who became a killer when he lost his job Cop Wayne Couzens will die in jail for the rape and murder of Sarah Everard Freed from hospital to kill his third girlfriend Nicola Edgington: ‘I’m a very dangerous schizophrenic.’ THE LAYABOUT IN THE LOFT Recent PostsThe sex attacker who became a killer when he lost his job Cop Wayne Couzens will die in jail for the rape and murder of Sarah Everard Freed from hospital to kill his third girlfriend Nicola Edgington: ‘I’m a very dangerous schizophrenic.’ THE LAYABOUT IN THE LOFT