A psychiatrist told the GMC today (TUES) how she t 3 Nov 2003 A psychiatrist told the GMC today (TUES) how she tried to ban a nun from wearing her habit after two of her patients said that they wanted to kill her. Dr Helen Bright, 48, claimed the religious ro This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A private doctor told how he was ‘outmanoeuvred’ i A teenager was today (FRI) cleared of raping a 13- MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsDON’T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD GO TO HOSPITAL DEAR? THE HORNY DENTIST LIKE, WHAT STOP IS IT MAN? DANGEROUS DOCTOR? NO PROBLEM IF YOU’VE GOT RELATIVES AT KINGSTON HOSPITAL SHOWBIZ LEGEND DIED WITH HIS HEAD IN A DOG BOWL Recent PostsDON’T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD GO TO HOSPITAL DEAR? THE HORNY DENTIST LIKE, WHAT STOP IS IT MAN? DANGEROUS DOCTOR? NO PROBLEM IF YOU’VE GOT RELATIVES AT KINGSTON HOSPITAL SHOWBIZ LEGEND DIED WITH HIS HEAD IN A DOG BOWL MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsPETER LING: THE GARDENER’S WORLD Ben Butler: Britain’s vilest father The Allotment Killer ‘Freezer Killer’ kept a body iced for three years and then murdered again Freed from hospital to kill his third girlfriend Recent PostsPETER LING: THE GARDENER’S WORLD Ben Butler: Britain’s vilest father The Allotment Killer ‘Freezer Killer’ kept a body iced for three years and then murdered again Freed from hospital to kill his third girlfriend