A spiteful nurse who tried to get a patient thrown 2 Nov 2002 A spiteful nurse who tried to get a patient thrown out of a care home by pretending he had attacked other residents escaped with a caution today.(Thurs) Marion Wilks, 51, accused a Huntingdon’s Disea This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A convict who launched a spread betting scam on hi A terrified father clung to a 12th floor window le MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsTHE SEXUAL KICKS OF THE SPYCAM DENTIST THE SEXUALLY MOTIVATED DOCTOR DEATH BY SHED DOCTOR’S VODKA AND COKE ON MOTORWAY VERGE JUST OFF TO COURT MUM – MIGHT DO ANOTHER JOB ON THE WAY Recent PostsTHE SEXUAL KICKS OF THE SPYCAM DENTIST THE SEXUALLY MOTIVATED DOCTOR DEATH BY SHED DOCTOR’S VODKA AND COKE ON MOTORWAY VERGE JUST OFF TO COURT MUM – MIGHT DO ANOTHER JOB ON THE WAY MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsGRAHAM COUTTS: THE BONDAGE STRANGLER Ben Butler: Britain’s vilest father The fantasy world of the ‘Freezer Killer’ BRITAIN’S BIGGEST ROBBERY ‘Love Bug’ killer who eavesdropped on his housemate and her boyfriend gets 25 years Recent PostsGRAHAM COUTTS: THE BONDAGE STRANGLER Ben Butler: Britain’s vilest father The fantasy world of the ‘Freezer Killer’ BRITAIN’S BIGGEST ROBBERY ‘Love Bug’ killer who eavesdropped on his housemate and her boyfriend gets 25 years