A teenager with his eye on the 1992 European singl 8 Jan 1991 A teenager with his eye on the 1992 European single market tried to get rich quick by cheating top companies into paying for entries in a bogus trade directory. Rafael Rosenthal, 19, wrote so This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register Two young men ‘wreaked havoc’ in over 70 burglarie A ‘bully’ who broke a young mum’s arm in a ‘totall MORE FROM SURREAL Recent Posts‘Sorry, my penis must have slipped out my Y-fronts ‘ Tragic death of cop and his partner DOCTOR’S VODKA AND COKE ON MOTORWAY VERGE THE SEXUALLY MOTIVATED DOCTOR THE HORNY DENTIST Recent Posts‘Sorry, my penis must have slipped out my Y-fronts ‘ Tragic death of cop and his partner DOCTOR’S VODKA AND COKE ON MOTORWAY VERGE THE SEXUALLY MOTIVATED DOCTOR THE HORNY DENTIST MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsThe serial rapist who was ‘pure evil’ Freed from hospital to kill his third girlfriend Daniel Gonzalez: THE MUMMY’S BOY SERIAL KILLER PETER WALLNER: THE COOK, HIS WIFE, THE FREEZER AND HER MOTHER He chopped his mum’s head off, put her finger in the kettle and blamed his dad Recent PostsThe serial rapist who was ‘pure evil’ Freed from hospital to kill his third girlfriend Daniel Gonzalez: THE MUMMY’S BOY SERIAL KILLER PETER WALLNER: THE COOK, HIS WIFE, THE FREEZER AND HER MOTHER He chopped his mum’s head off, put her finger in the kettle and blamed his dad