An ‘arrogant’ Harley Street surgeon can still trea 3 Nov 2004 An ‘arrogant’ Harley Street surgeon can still treat patients despite being struck off today (Tues) for disfiguring two women during cosmetic laser surgery. Dr Fayez Abu Mahfouz, 57, earned thousan This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register Goodman met up with the girl in March 2002 and sug The court heard Lewis claims he wanted to reassure MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsJealous boyfriend flushed ex-partner’s hamster down the toilet Ballet trips and holidays paid for by patients who could not enjoy them THE JILTED LOVER MICE GUILTY OF ARSON BUT CLEARED OF MANSLAUGHTER PENSIONER BLAMES RACISM ON HIS CAT Recent PostsJealous boyfriend flushed ex-partner’s hamster down the toilet Ballet trips and holidays paid for by patients who could not enjoy them THE JILTED LOVER MICE GUILTY OF ARSON BUT CLEARED OF MANSLAUGHTER PENSIONER BLAMES RACISM ON HIS CAT MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsMurder by gaslight ANTONI IMIELA: THE M25 RAPIST THE MASKELL TWINS: BRITAIN’S DUMBEST KILLERS The litter picker hitman Killer was wrongly released from a life sentence Recent PostsMurder by gaslight ANTONI IMIELA: THE M25 RAPIST THE MASKELL TWINS: BRITAIN’S DUMBEST KILLERS The litter picker hitman Killer was wrongly released from a life sentence