DEATH CRANE OWNERS ‘READ THE WRONG MANUAL’ DEATH CRANE OWNERS ‘READ THE WRONG MANUAL’ 5 Mar 2012 BATTERSEA, SOUTHWEST LONDON A crane which collapsed killing two men had been fitted with four extra tons of counterweights because its owners used the wrong manual, an inquest heard today (Mon). This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register BAMU: WITCHCRAFT KILLING COUPLE LOCKED UP FOR AT LEAST 55 YEARS NOLAN: LET OFF FOR HARDCORE PORN HOSPITAL TECH MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsTHE FARTING DENTIST THE SEXUALLY MOTIVATED DOCTOR Chaplain punched bank workers while high on mind-bending drugs FAST WILLY: THE FAKE CALLS AMBULANCEMAN THIS CASE MAY TAKE SOME TIME Recent PostsTHE FARTING DENTIST THE SEXUALLY MOTIVATED DOCTOR Chaplain punched bank workers while high on mind-bending drugs FAST WILLY: THE FAKE CALLS AMBULANCEMAN THIS CASE MAY TAKE SOME TIME MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsJohn Duffy and David Mulcahy: KILLING TO BE GOD The rapist who made the sign of the cross after every attack Judge slams the greed of recluse killer as she gives him 31 years ‘Demon’ killers get 34 years for starving Shakira Spencer to death Dobson and Norris: The Murder of Stephen Lawrence Recent PostsJohn Duffy and David Mulcahy: KILLING TO BE GOD The rapist who made the sign of the cross after every attack Judge slams the greed of recluse killer as she gives him 31 years ‘Demon’ killers get 34 years for starving Shakira Spencer to death Dobson and Norris: The Murder of Stephen Lawrence