GIRL ACCUSED OF MURDERING PAEDO SOBS AS SHE RECALLS ABUSE AT HIS HANDS 11 Oct 2010 BALHAM, BRIXTON, SOUTHWEST LONDON. A 15 year-old girl accused of murdering a suspected paedophile broke down in tears today (MON) as she told jurors how he abused her when she was only 12. The t This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register HASSAN:JAIL FOR THUG WHO KICKED AUSSIE BACKPACKER IN THE HEAD TORRES: DRIVER FOR DIAMOND ROBBERS JAILED FOR 10 YEARS MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsBURGLAR’S LITTLE SLIP-UP THE HEAD ON THE BUS WOMAN WASHED HER FRIEND’S CORPSE FOR THREE WEEKS FAST WILLY: THE FAKE CALLS AMBULANCEMAN The bandit who tried to rob bookies with a tin of pilchards Recent PostsBURGLAR’S LITTLE SLIP-UP THE HEAD ON THE BUS WOMAN WASHED HER FRIEND’S CORPSE FOR THREE WEEKS FAST WILLY: THE FAKE CALLS AMBULANCEMAN The bandit who tried to rob bookies with a tin of pilchards MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsTHE RITUAL OF DEATH The Allotment Killer ‘Bermondsey Bloodbath’ killer Joshua Jacques was smoking 15 joints a day Andrew Morris: The Speargun Killer 20 years for knifeman who claimed he was hypnotised by the police Recent PostsTHE RITUAL OF DEATH The Allotment Killer ‘Bermondsey Bloodbath’ killer Joshua Jacques was smoking 15 joints a day Andrew Morris: The Speargun Killer 20 years for knifeman who claimed he was hypnotised by the police