Mystery surrounds the death of a hospital porter 2 Nov 1991 Mystery surrounds the death of a hospital porter who plunged from his top floor window moments after confessing he had taken a couple of pounds from a neighbour. Tony Coffey, 26, fell to his de This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A bungling ‘hood’ found big league crime harder t A mentally sick man brutally strangled his common MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsHAVE YOU EVER SEEN A BROWN PENIS? ‘Nazi salute? I was just waving to my friends’ KILLED BY HIS OWN SIGNET RING PAUL LOVELL: THE MAN WHO TRIED TO HAVE ORAL SEX WITH A COW ‘Sorry, my penis must have slipped out my Y-fronts ‘ Recent PostsHAVE YOU EVER SEEN A BROWN PENIS? ‘Nazi salute? I was just waving to my friends’ KILLED BY HIS OWN SIGNET RING PAUL LOVELL: THE MAN WHO TRIED TO HAVE ORAL SEX WITH A COW ‘Sorry, my penis must have slipped out my Y-fronts ‘ MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsRichard Huckle: Britain’s worst ever paedophile Kyu Soo Kim: The Landlord Killer Dobson and Norris: The Murder of Stephen Lawrence The Night Stalker He chopped his mum’s head off, put her finger in the kettle and blamed his dad Recent PostsRichard Huckle: Britain’s worst ever paedophile Kyu Soo Kim: The Landlord Killer Dobson and Norris: The Murder of Stephen Lawrence The Night Stalker He chopped his mum’s head off, put her finger in the kettle and blamed his dad