OSMAN: JEW HATE CAMPAIGN 8 Sep 2011 CHALK FARM An Egyptian man daubed anti-Semitic graffiti on posters advertising the work of Sir Alan Sugar and Steven Spielberg in a ‘one-man campaign’ against Jews, a court heard. Yacoub Osman, This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register NUNN: POLICE OFFICE CLAIMS HE WAS ATTACKED WILKINSON: BAIL FOR ACCUSED LOOTER MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsUrinating father electrocuted FAST WILLY: THE FAKE CALLS AMBULANCEMAN Swindling banana walks free Transgender man faked sexual relationships Racist sets his hair on fire Recent PostsUrinating father electrocuted FAST WILLY: THE FAKE CALLS AMBULANCEMAN Swindling banana walks free Transgender man faked sexual relationships Racist sets his hair on fire MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent Posts‘Love Bug’ killer who eavesdropped on his housemate and her boyfriend gets 25 years Levi Bellfield: The Bus Stop Stalker The fantasy world of the ‘Freezer Killer’ 32 years for burglar who attacked women with uncle of Stephen Lawrence killer THE LAYABOUT IN THE LOFT Recent Posts‘Love Bug’ killer who eavesdropped on his housemate and her boyfriend gets 25 years Levi Bellfield: The Bus Stop Stalker The fantasy world of the ‘Freezer Killer’ 32 years for burglar who attacked women with uncle of Stephen Lawrence killer THE LAYABOUT IN THE LOFT