A drug addict accused of murdering his best 2 Nov 1990 A drug addict accused of murdering his best friend has been acquitted by an Old Bailey jury. The pair had been trying to shake off their habit when Robert McCourty was savagely kic This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A 17-year-old’s visit to her local GP turned into A 23-year-old motor mechanic who stole his grandmo MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsHORROR AT THE BOWLING ALLEY TOO BENT NOT TO SIGN ON, TOO BIG FOR COURT, TOO ILL FOR JAIL JUST OFF TO COURT MUM – MIGHT DO ANOTHER JOB ON THE WAY MICE GUILTY OF ARSON BUT CLEARED OF MANSLAUGHTER ‘Nazi salute? I was just waving to my friends’ Recent PostsHORROR AT THE BOWLING ALLEY TOO BENT NOT TO SIGN ON, TOO BIG FOR COURT, TOO ILL FOR JAIL JUST OFF TO COURT MUM – MIGHT DO ANOTHER JOB ON THE WAY MICE GUILTY OF ARSON BUT CLEARED OF MANSLAUGHTER ‘Nazi salute? I was just waving to my friends’ MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsFireball killer of Eddy Grant’s niece gets 32 years 32 years for burglar who attacked women with uncle of Stephen Lawrence killer Garath Davies: THE MITCHAM COMMON STALKER The ‘Lottery Killer’ who murdered two sisters in a demonic deal to win the jackpot The ‘Babes in the Wood’ killer Recent PostsFireball killer of Eddy Grant’s niece gets 32 years 32 years for burglar who attacked women with uncle of Stephen Lawrence killer Garath Davies: THE MITCHAM COMMON STALKER The ‘Lottery Killer’ who murdered two sisters in a demonic deal to win the jackpot The ‘Babes in the Wood’ killer