A care assistant accused of tying an old lady int 2 Nov 1990 A care assistant accused of tying an old lady into her chair in a residential home broke down in the dock after the judge ruled today Thursday she had no case to answer. Marcia Richard This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A bricklayer who attacked a pub’s assistant manage Battling father and son grocers who tackled a band MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsJealous boyfriend flushed ex-partner’s hamster down the toilet WOMAN WASHED HER FRIEND’S CORPSE FOR THREE WEEKS Lawyer who did Ku Klux Klan impersonation with a white envelope on his head is ordered to take diversity classes Ballet trips and holidays paid for by patients who could not enjoy them Bold thief caught out by his bald head Recent PostsJealous boyfriend flushed ex-partner’s hamster down the toilet WOMAN WASHED HER FRIEND’S CORPSE FOR THREE WEEKS Lawyer who did Ku Klux Klan impersonation with a white envelope on his head is ordered to take diversity classes Ballet trips and holidays paid for by patients who could not enjoy them Bold thief caught out by his bald head MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsPeter Bryan: THE REAL HANNIBAL LECTER ANTHONY HARDY: THE SATANIC RITES OF THE CAMDEN RIPPER ‘Bermondsey Bloodbath’ killer Joshua Jacques was smoking 15 joints a day Joanna Dennehy: Killing for Kicks The cannibal who ate cop with chopsticks Recent PostsPeter Bryan: THE REAL HANNIBAL LECTER ANTHONY HARDY: THE SATANIC RITES OF THE CAMDEN RIPPER ‘Bermondsey Bloodbath’ killer Joshua Jacques was smoking 15 joints a day Joanna Dennehy: Killing for Kicks The cannibal who ate cop with chopsticks