A care assistant accused of tying an old lady int 2 Nov 1990 A care assistant accused of tying an old lady into her chair in a residential home broke down in the dock after the judge ruled today Thursday she had no case to answer. Marcia Richard This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A bricklayer who attacked a pub’s assistant manage Battling father and son grocers who tackled a band MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsDENTIST REMOVES PENSIONER’S TEETH Woman attacked mum and dad when she could not find her pet snail CON AIR: THE JET-SET DOLE GYPSIES THE FONDLING DENTIST Surgeon killed himself after row over his obsession with chickens Recent PostsDENTIST REMOVES PENSIONER’S TEETH Woman attacked mum and dad when she could not find her pet snail CON AIR: THE JET-SET DOLE GYPSIES THE FONDLING DENTIST Surgeon killed himself after row over his obsession with chickens MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent Posts32 years for burglar who attacked women with uncle of Stephen Lawrence killer ‘Love Bug’ killer who eavesdropped on his housemate and her boyfriend gets 25 years John Sweeney: ‘THE SCALP HUNTER’ Dena Thompson:THE BLACK WIDOW AND THE POISONED VINDALOO The ‘Lottery Killer’ who murdered two sisters in a demonic deal to win the jackpot Recent Posts32 years for burglar who attacked women with uncle of Stephen Lawrence killer ‘Love Bug’ killer who eavesdropped on his housemate and her boyfriend gets 25 years John Sweeney: ‘THE SCALP HUNTER’ Dena Thompson:THE BLACK WIDOW AND THE POISONED VINDALOO The ‘Lottery Killer’ who murdered two sisters in a demonic deal to win the jackpot