A clever thief tricked a man out of his pnds stlg 15 Jan 1991 A clever thief tricked a man out of his pnds stlg 11,000 Rolex watch by posing as a buyer, a court heard. Cunning Anthony McLean, 41, answered Anthony Edwards’ advertisement in Loot magazine a This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A woman broke down in court today (mon) and confe A guilt-ridden building society robber turned him MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsKILLED BY HIS OWN SIGNET RING FAILED MY DRIVING TEST? WILL A WAD OF NOTES DO? Hoarding barrister choked to death on burning rubbish WOMAN WASHED HER FRIEND’S CORPSE FOR THREE WEEKS THE DENTIST AND HIS THONG Recent PostsKILLED BY HIS OWN SIGNET RING FAILED MY DRIVING TEST? WILL A WAD OF NOTES DO? Hoarding barrister choked to death on burning rubbish WOMAN WASHED HER FRIEND’S CORPSE FOR THREE WEEKS THE DENTIST AND HIS THONG MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsKilled for kindness The Witchcraft Killers THE RITUAL OF DEATH Judge slams the greed of recluse killer as she gives him 31 years Dena Thompson:THE BLACK WIDOW AND THE POISONED VINDALOO Recent PostsKilled for kindness The Witchcraft Killers THE RITUAL OF DEATH Judge slams the greed of recluse killer as she gives him 31 years Dena Thompson:THE BLACK WIDOW AND THE POISONED VINDALOO