A labourer accused of raping a 15-year-schoolgir 2 Nov 1990 A labourer accused of raping a 15-year-schoolgirl in a forest has been acquitted by an Old Bailey jury. Vincent Barnes, 22, had been in Earlswood Common, Redhill, Surrey, when he spotted This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register Rap star and television presenter Smiley Culture Home cleaning firm, Molly Maid, is taking High Cou MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsHORROR AT THE BOWLING ALLEY JUST OFF TO COURT MUM – MIGHT DO ANOTHER JOB ON THE WAY The wrong trousers THIS CASE MAY TAKE SOME TIME Killed by his iPhone charger Recent PostsHORROR AT THE BOWLING ALLEY JUST OFF TO COURT MUM – MIGHT DO ANOTHER JOB ON THE WAY The wrong trousers THIS CASE MAY TAKE SOME TIME Killed by his iPhone charger MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsRichard Huckle: Britain’s worst ever paedophile The sex sadist who tortured an 89-year-old widow ‘You stupid old man’ The Batman sadist who killed twice THE MASKELL TWINS: BRITAIN’S DUMBEST KILLERS Recent PostsRichard Huckle: Britain’s worst ever paedophile The sex sadist who tortured an 89-year-old widow ‘You stupid old man’ The Batman sadist who killed twice THE MASKELL TWINS: BRITAIN’S DUMBEST KILLERS