A Muslim High Priest used his magic and prophetic 2 Jan 1991 A Muslim High Priest used his magic and prophetic powers to lure women followers into sex traps, a court heard. So great was the influence that Gulaam Chisty wielded over his flock th This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register Two Hornchurch people who claim their new pnds stl A brave householder who tackled an intruder in his MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsONE-LEGGED MAN STOLE A LEG – OF PORK DOCTOR SUCKED PREGNANT PATIENT’S BREAST ‘LIKE A BABY’ TICKET EXPIRED He has to tell the police when he wants sex Racist sets his hair on fire Recent PostsONE-LEGGED MAN STOLE A LEG – OF PORK DOCTOR SUCKED PREGNANT PATIENT’S BREAST ‘LIKE A BABY’ TICKET EXPIRED He has to tell the police when he wants sex Racist sets his hair on fire MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsJudge slams the greed of recluse killer as she gives him 31 years Ken Regan, Bill Horncy and Peter Rees:THE MURDER GAME The ‘Lottery Killer’ who murdered two sisters in a demonic deal to win the jackpot ‘Bermondsey Bloodbath’ killer Joshua Jacques was smoking 15 joints a day Gary Glitter: The Pervert in Sequins Recent PostsJudge slams the greed of recluse killer as she gives him 31 years Ken Regan, Bill Horncy and Peter Rees:THE MURDER GAME The ‘Lottery Killer’ who murdered two sisters in a demonic deal to win the jackpot ‘Bermondsey Bloodbath’ killer Joshua Jacques was smoking 15 joints a day Gary Glitter: The Pervert in Sequins