A retired doctor who helped fuel a teenage girl’s 2 Nov 2002 A retired doctor who helped fuel a teenage girl’s drug addiction may have had a sexual relationship with the ‘Lolita figure’, the GMC heard today.(Tues) A psychology expert said Diptish Nandy, 69, This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A prize-winning amateur boxer who split his victim A professional footballer told jurors how he felt MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsChaplain punched bank workers while high on mind-bending drugs MUMMY’S BOY DEATH AT THE EMBASSY Crane driver who flushed his wife’s head down the toilet ‘I was only accused of rape because I have an inordinately large penis’ Recent PostsChaplain punched bank workers while high on mind-bending drugs MUMMY’S BOY DEATH AT THE EMBASSY Crane driver who flushed his wife’s head down the toilet ‘I was only accused of rape because I have an inordinately large penis’ MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsJohn Duffy and David Mulcahy: KILLING TO BE GOD JANE ANDREWS: NAKED AMBITION Tracey Connelly, Stephen Barker and Jason Owen: The Death of Baby P Judge slams the greed of recluse killer as she gives him 31 years Levi Bellfield: The Bus Stop Stalker Recent PostsJohn Duffy and David Mulcahy: KILLING TO BE GOD JANE ANDREWS: NAKED AMBITION Tracey Connelly, Stephen Barker and Jason Owen: The Death of Baby P Judge slams the greed of recluse killer as she gives him 31 years Levi Bellfield: The Bus Stop Stalker