A six-strong team of fraudsters who took part in a 2 Nov 1995 A six-strong team of fraudsters who took part in a pnds stlg 16,000 pension book scam have narrowly escaped jail. Judge Derek Inman told the three men and three women they probably thought t This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A prostitute and her sister-in-law were paid to ma A man who was serving a life sentence for murder h MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsSuicide victim’s body ended up in train cab next to the driver LIKE, WHAT STOP IS IT MAN? Council boss bought dildo with Grenfell Towers survivor’s money Judge grants homeless killer’s wish by giving him a life sentence She nicked £1.2m – and didn’t go to jail Recent PostsSuicide victim’s body ended up in train cab next to the driver LIKE, WHAT STOP IS IT MAN? Council boss bought dildo with Grenfell Towers survivor’s money Judge grants homeless killer’s wish by giving him a life sentence She nicked £1.2m – and didn’t go to jail MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsTHE LAYABOUT IN THE LOFT The rapist who made the sign of the cross after every attack DEATH OF A STAR Robert Napper:THE MURDERS OF RACHEL NICKELL AND SAMANTHA BISSET Jon Venables jailed for possessing child pornography Recent PostsTHE LAYABOUT IN THE LOFT The rapist who made the sign of the cross after every attack DEATH OF A STAR Robert Napper:THE MURDERS OF RACHEL NICKELL AND SAMANTHA BISSET Jon Venables jailed for possessing child pornography