A student nurse lied to police that she had been 2 Nov 1991 A student nurse lied to police that she had been beaten up by her former boyfriend and then on a later occasion raped by his friend. As a result two innocent men were arrested and questioned This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A businessman who made illegal multiple share appl A chartered accountant backed up bogus mortgage ap MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsBlindfold attacker must reveal his identity before he has sex THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORROR Ram raid on the mobility scooter HOSPITAL WORKER IN POOL OF URINE WAS NO LAUGHING MATTER The transgender thugs enraged by a fanny jibe Recent PostsBlindfold attacker must reveal his identity before he has sex THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORROR Ram raid on the mobility scooter HOSPITAL WORKER IN POOL OF URINE WAS NO LAUGHING MATTER The transgender thugs enraged by a fanny jibe MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsDANIEL BROUGHAM: WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER NOW? Double killer Carl Cooper won’t be let out until he is 101 THE RITUAL OF DEATH Ken Regan, Bill Horncy and Peter Rees:THE MURDER GAME PETER WALLNER: THE COOK, HIS WIFE, THE FREEZER AND HER MOTHER Recent PostsDANIEL BROUGHAM: WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER NOW? Double killer Carl Cooper won’t be let out until he is 101 THE RITUAL OF DEATH Ken Regan, Bill Horncy and Peter Rees:THE MURDER GAME PETER WALLNER: THE COOK, HIS WIFE, THE FREEZER AND HER MOTHER