An argument over a foul during a game of pool led 2 Nov 1995 An argument over a foul during a game of pool led a drinker to viciously glass his opponent in a pub, a court heard today (Tue). As the row flared up Gerald Hughes, 37, lost his temper and This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A man invited a teenage girl he knew into his flat A licensed gun dealer exploited a loophole in Br MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsJudge grants homeless killer’s wish by giving him a life sentence Hoarding barrister choked to death on burning rubbish Soldier plunged to his death trying to catch his mobile phone THE MOUSE TERMINATOR DENTIST REMOVES PENSIONER’S TEETH Recent PostsJudge grants homeless killer’s wish by giving him a life sentence Hoarding barrister choked to death on burning rubbish Soldier plunged to his death trying to catch his mobile phone THE MOUSE TERMINATOR DENTIST REMOVES PENSIONER’S TEETH MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent Posts20 years for knifeman who claimed he was hypnotised by the police GRAHAM COUTTS: THE BONDAGE STRANGLER Rolf Harris: The End of Innocence The rapist who made the sign of the cross after every attack THE MASKELL TWINS: BRITAIN’S DUMBEST KILLERS Recent Posts20 years for knifeman who claimed he was hypnotised by the police GRAHAM COUTTS: THE BONDAGE STRANGLER Rolf Harris: The End of Innocence The rapist who made the sign of the cross after every attack THE MASKELL TWINS: BRITAIN’S DUMBEST KILLERS