An armed robber who terrorised Harold Wood and Rom 3 Nov 2006 An armed robber who terrorised Harold Wood and Romford with a string of armed robberies is facing years behind bars after he was caught on CCTV on every raid. Scott Rebeiro, 23, hit off-licences, a b This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A chief Metropolitan Police Officer today (Thurs) Seaton was born in Stirling, bought up in Dunferml MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsBlindfold attacker must reveal his identity before he has sex THE DOLE CHEAT WHO TURNED HERSELF INTO A HUMAN FIREBALL Crane driver who flushed his wife’s head down the toilet THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORROR DOCTOR’S VODKA AND COKE ON MOTORWAY VERGE Recent PostsBlindfold attacker must reveal his identity before he has sex THE DOLE CHEAT WHO TURNED HERSELF INTO A HUMAN FIREBALL Crane driver who flushed his wife’s head down the toilet THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORROR DOCTOR’S VODKA AND COKE ON MOTORWAY VERGE MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsJohn Sweeney: ‘THE SCALP HUNTER’ Fireball killer of Eddy Grant’s niece gets 32 years GRAHAM COUTTS: THE BONDAGE STRANGLER THE RITUAL OF DEATH Ben Butler: Britain’s vilest father Recent PostsJohn Sweeney: ‘THE SCALP HUNTER’ Fireball killer of Eddy Grant’s niece gets 32 years GRAHAM COUTTS: THE BONDAGE STRANGLER THE RITUAL OF DEATH Ben Butler: Britain’s vilest father