‘Calm and collected’ businessman William Warren pl 14 Nov 1994 ‘Calm and collected’ businessman William Warren plunged to his death within hours of discharging himself from the Royal Free Hospital. The softly-spoken middle-aged man had twice in the past e This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register An Old Bailey judge was full of praise today (Fri) A horrified couple rushed from their home to find MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsTHE FARTING DENTIST BUTTOCK SURGERY NIGHTMARE THE PERVERTED BELLY DANCE INSTRUCTOR Crane driver who flushed his wife’s head down the toilet I’M NOT HAPPY WITH MY BARRISTER Recent PostsTHE FARTING DENTIST BUTTOCK SURGERY NIGHTMARE THE PERVERTED BELLY DANCE INSTRUCTOR Crane driver who flushed his wife’s head down the toilet I’M NOT HAPPY WITH MY BARRISTER MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent Posts‘Freezer Killer’ kept a body iced for three years and then murdered again Kyu Soo Kim: The Landlord Killer The litter picker hitman Tracey Connelly, Stephen Barker and Jason Owen: The Death of Baby P 32 years for burglar who attacked women with uncle of Stephen Lawrence killer Recent Posts‘Freezer Killer’ kept a body iced for three years and then murdered again Kyu Soo Kim: The Landlord Killer The litter picker hitman Tracey Connelly, Stephen Barker and Jason Owen: The Death of Baby P 32 years for burglar who attacked women with uncle of Stephen Lawrence killer