DUTHIE: MIDWIFE STUCK OFF OVER FATAL HOME BIRTH 9 Mar 2011 EXETER An independent midwife who took on a complex delivery in which a baby died after a doctor warned a natural home birth would be like ‘walking blindly across a motorway’ has been struck off. This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register YFEKO:NINE YOUNG MEN CLEARED OF STABBING MAN TO DEATH IN MASS BRAWL IAPONAS: VOYEURS WERE ‘UNDER THE BED’ MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsBURGLAR’S LITTLE SLIP-UP Lawyer who did Ku Klux Klan impersonation with a white envelope on his head is ordered to take diversity classes MICE GUILTY OF ARSON BUT CLEARED OF MANSLAUGHTER THE HORNY DENTIST DON’T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD GO TO HOSPITAL DEAR? Recent PostsBURGLAR’S LITTLE SLIP-UP Lawyer who did Ku Klux Klan impersonation with a white envelope on his head is ordered to take diversity classes MICE GUILTY OF ARSON BUT CLEARED OF MANSLAUGHTER THE HORNY DENTIST DON’T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD GO TO HOSPITAL DEAR? MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsMichael Morton: The killer architect Max Clifford: The PR Guru With a Tiny Penis Fireball killer of Eddy Grant’s niece gets 32 years The Night Stalker Judge slams the greed of recluse killer as she gives him 31 years Recent PostsMichael Morton: The killer architect Max Clifford: The PR Guru With a Tiny Penis Fireball killer of Eddy Grant’s niece gets 32 years The Night Stalker Judge slams the greed of recluse killer as she gives him 31 years