FLOOD: NEWSPAPER HIT WITH £60K DAMAGES AFTER ‘DOGGED REFUSAL’ TO CORRECT ARTICLE ABOUT POLICE OFFICER 19 Dec 2013 CENTRAL LONDON A newspaper has been hit with a £60,000 damages bill at the High Court today (Thurs) after ‘a dogged refusal’ to correct an article about a police officer. The Times failed to up This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register YANKEY: SADISTIC TEEN WHO TRIED TO IMPRESS GIRL WITH HOMEMADE MOVIE BUTCHERING A MOUSE IS SPARED JAIL MCSWEENEY: CATHOLIC PRIEST AND FORMER CHILDREN’S HOME MANAGER DENY ABUSING STRING OF BOYS MORE THAN 30 YEARS AGO MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsSwindling banana walks free He has to tell the police when he wants sex ‘Sorry, my penis must have slipped out my Y-fronts ‘ Killer went on the run disguised as a woman LIKE, WHAT STOP IS IT MAN? Recent PostsSwindling banana walks free He has to tell the police when he wants sex ‘Sorry, my penis must have slipped out my Y-fronts ‘ Killer went on the run disguised as a woman LIKE, WHAT STOP IS IT MAN? MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsThree life terms for security guard who plotted to torture and murder Holly Willoughby The ‘Dirty Rotten Scoundrels’ and the murder of Carole Waugh Daniel Gonzalez: THE MUMMY’S BOY SERIAL KILLER THE MASKELL TWINS: BRITAIN’S DUMBEST KILLERS Richard Huckle: Britain’s worst ever paedophile Recent PostsThree life terms for security guard who plotted to torture and murder Holly Willoughby The ‘Dirty Rotten Scoundrels’ and the murder of Carole Waugh Daniel Gonzalez: THE MUMMY’S BOY SERIAL KILLER THE MASKELL TWINS: BRITAIN’S DUMBEST KILLERS Richard Huckle: Britain’s worst ever paedophile