G BLOCK GANG MADE HALLOWE’EEN ‘THE SUCKING SEASON’ 8 May 2009 WANDSWORTH, TOOTING A gang of teenage muggers called Hallowe’en ‘sucking season’ because they could wear ‘Scream’ masks as disguises without arousing suspicion, a court heard. Members of ‘G-B This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register ANOSIKE: WEB-LOVING NURSE CAUTIONED FOR LEAVING CRITICALLY ILL PATIENT CLARK: NURSE CONFESSED TO SEX WITH MENTAL PATIENT MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsTHE FINANCIAL ADVISOR AND THE POP-SOCKS HOSPITAL WORKER IN POOL OF URINE WAS NO LAUGHING MATTER Soldier plunged to his death trying to catch his mobile phone Ballet trips and holidays paid for by patients who could not enjoy them Man had sex with an octopus Recent PostsTHE FINANCIAL ADVISOR AND THE POP-SOCKS HOSPITAL WORKER IN POOL OF URINE WAS NO LAUGHING MATTER Soldier plunged to his death trying to catch his mobile phone Ballet trips and holidays paid for by patients who could not enjoy them Man had sex with an octopus MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsKnifeman stabbed lecturer to death while claiming to be ‘black Messiah’ Jailed until death: Triple killer will never be released Three life terms for security guard who plotted to torture and murder Holly Willoughby 20 years for knifeman who claimed he was hypnotised by the police The serial rapist who was ‘pure evil’ Recent PostsKnifeman stabbed lecturer to death while claiming to be ‘black Messiah’ Jailed until death: Triple killer will never be released Three life terms for security guard who plotted to torture and murder Holly Willoughby 20 years for knifeman who claimed he was hypnotised by the police The serial rapist who was ‘pure evil’