JANJUA:TRAINEE MEDIC RACKED UP 105 PARKING TICKETS IN TWO YEARS 16 Jul 2013 LEEDS A trainee doctor racked up more than 100 hospital parking tickets and stayed in staff accommodation for a year after he had left his job, a hearing was told. Dr Ali Janjua amassed a £6,32 This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register TEEN POT ADDICT RAPED SCHOOLBOY TO PUNISH HIM BROWN:THUG JAILED FOR SAVAGELY BEATING HIS PREGNANT LOVER MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsBallet trips and holidays paid for by patients who could not enjoy them THE HORNY DENTIST THE BEWIGGED LAYABOUT AND THE HONEST DOCTOR Transgender man faked sexual relationships THE SEXUAL KICKS OF THE SPYCAM DENTIST Recent PostsBallet trips and holidays paid for by patients who could not enjoy them THE HORNY DENTIST THE BEWIGGED LAYABOUT AND THE HONEST DOCTOR Transgender man faked sexual relationships THE SEXUAL KICKS OF THE SPYCAM DENTIST MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsTHE MURDER OF BEN KINSELLA 20 years for knifeman who claimed he was hypnotised by the police Three life terms for security guard who plotted to torture and murder Holly Willoughby 32 years for burglar who attacked women with uncle of Stephen Lawrence killer Finally! Drug dealing barrister Henry Hendron thrown out of the profession Recent PostsTHE MURDER OF BEN KINSELLA 20 years for knifeman who claimed he was hypnotised by the police Three life terms for security guard who plotted to torture and murder Holly Willoughby 32 years for burglar who attacked women with uncle of Stephen Lawrence killer Finally! Drug dealing barrister Henry Hendron thrown out of the profession