MONAGHAN: ANTI-CUTS PROTESTER FACES JAIL FOR FLASH GRENADES 21 Sep 2012 HOVE, EAST SUSSEX A protester who once scaled the Blackpool Tower to demonstrate against a method of gas extraction is facing jail today (FRI) for taking smoke and flash grenades to an anti-cuts ra This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register RADIA: MILLIONAIRE’S SON FOUND HANGED IN BEDROOM HUSSAIN: DRUG DEALER CAUGHT WITH £300K COCAINE AND GUNS MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsRacist sets his hair on fire THE RIDE OF DEATH CON AIR: THE JET-SET DOLE GYPSIES Woman who hid drugs in her vagina gets a three-and-a-half year stretch PAUL LOVELL: THE MAN WHO TRIED TO HAVE ORAL SEX WITH A COW Recent PostsRacist sets his hair on fire THE RIDE OF DEATH CON AIR: THE JET-SET DOLE GYPSIES Woman who hid drugs in her vagina gets a three-and-a-half year stretch PAUL LOVELL: THE MAN WHO TRIED TO HAVE ORAL SEX WITH A COW MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsDANIEL BROUGHAM: WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER NOW? ROGER FRISBY: THE GAS MARK EIGHT KILLER ‘Walter Mitty’ fantasist and his accomplice get 35 years for murdering businesswoman The ‘Psycho’ shower murderer PETER LING: THE GARDENER’S WORLD Recent PostsDANIEL BROUGHAM: WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER NOW? ROGER FRISBY: THE GAS MARK EIGHT KILLER ‘Walter Mitty’ fantasist and his accomplice get 35 years for murdering businesswoman The ‘Psycho’ shower murderer PETER LING: THE GARDENER’S WORLD