O’LEARY: DISTRESSED IRAQ SOLDIER THREATENED TO STAB POLICE 18 Aug 2010 LADBROKE GROVE, WEST LONDON: An Iraq War veteran suffering from post traumatic stress disorder went berserk with a carving knife after going AWOL from his army regiment, a court head today. (Weds) This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register BOYS AGED 11 SPARED JAIL FOR ATTEMPTED RAPE OF EIGHT-YEAR-OLD HASIB: CLUB PROMOTER JAILED FOR DEALING TO UNDERCOVER OFFICERS MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsTHE SCHOOLGIRL CALLED ‘SCOTT’ Jealous boyfriend flushed ex-partner’s hamster down the toilet The transgender thugs enraged by a fanny jibe CALL ME MUM Banned from standing behind strangers Recent PostsTHE SCHOOLGIRL CALLED ‘SCOTT’ Jealous boyfriend flushed ex-partner’s hamster down the toilet The transgender thugs enraged by a fanny jibe CALL ME MUM Banned from standing behind strangers MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsThe fantasy world of the ‘Freezer Killer’ MATTHEW QUESADA: THE JASON BOURNE FANTASIES OF THE CAFE KILLER The Killer Under the Bed The rapist who made the sign of the cross after every attack Dano Sonnex and Nigel Farmer:THE TARANTINO MURDERS Recent PostsThe fantasy world of the ‘Freezer Killer’ MATTHEW QUESADA: THE JASON BOURNE FANTASIES OF THE CAFE KILLER The Killer Under the Bed The rapist who made the sign of the cross after every attack Dano Sonnex and Nigel Farmer:THE TARANTINO MURDERS