A dishonest newsagent stole money from his employe 3 Oct 1990 A dishonest newsagent stole money from his employer’s business to buy his dream home in Norfolk, a court was told. Married father of two Paul Dolan, 43, had managed Oxlow News in Oxlow Lane, D This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A young man who went to a house as a guest for Sun A pretty Liverpudlian teenager broke down and wept MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsTHE YORKSHIRE ROOFER AND THE TRANSSEXUAL PROSTITUTE Surgeon killed himself after row over his obsession with chickens Nurse made patient’s vagina ‘talk’ Urinating father electrocuted THE FACE-ACHE FRAUDSTER Recent PostsTHE YORKSHIRE ROOFER AND THE TRANSSEXUAL PROSTITUTE Surgeon killed himself after row over his obsession with chickens Nurse made patient’s vagina ‘talk’ Urinating father electrocuted THE FACE-ACHE FRAUDSTER MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsBen Butler: Britain’s vilest father Daniel Gonzalez: THE MUMMY’S BOY SERIAL KILLER Freed from hospital to kill his third girlfriend He chopped his mum’s head off, put her finger in the kettle and blamed his dad BRITAIN’S BIGGEST ROBBERY Recent PostsBen Butler: Britain’s vilest father Daniel Gonzalez: THE MUMMY’S BOY SERIAL KILLER Freed from hospital to kill his third girlfriend He chopped his mum’s head off, put her finger in the kettle and blamed his dad BRITAIN’S BIGGEST ROBBERY