A kickboxing champion murdered a playgroup worker 2 Nov 2002 A kickboxing champion murdered a playgroup worker in a jealous rage after he found him smoking cannabis in his girlfriend’s kitchen, the Old Bailey heard today. (Mon) Ian McSween, 30, from Kentish This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A troubled artist hanged himself in his south Lond Dr Ngoma was later found guilty of serious profess MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsNurse set off fire alarm to see colleague’s breasts bounce as she ran down the corridor ‘Sorry, you can’t ban me from driving. I’m dead.’ BUTTOCK SURGERY NIGHTMARE Soldier plunged to his death trying to catch his mobile phone THE FLASHER AND THE MOTHER Recent PostsNurse set off fire alarm to see colleague’s breasts bounce as she ran down the corridor ‘Sorry, you can’t ban me from driving. I’m dead.’ BUTTOCK SURGERY NIGHTMARE Soldier plunged to his death trying to catch his mobile phone THE FLASHER AND THE MOTHER MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsKiller Elijah Gokool-Mely who wrote a rap in his cell bragging about canal murder gets 20 years Nicola Edgington: ‘I’m a very dangerous schizophrenic.’ The Witchcraft Killers ‘I’m the Patsy!’ Pat Adams claims he shot associate to prevent a hit The fantasy world of the ‘Freezer Killer’ Recent PostsKiller Elijah Gokool-Mely who wrote a rap in his cell bragging about canal murder gets 20 years Nicola Edgington: ‘I’m a very dangerous schizophrenic.’ The Witchcraft Killers ‘I’m the Patsy!’ Pat Adams claims he shot associate to prevent a hit The fantasy world of the ‘Freezer Killer’