A lonely Walter Mitty-type bandit splurged his 23 30 Aug 1990 A lonely Walter Mitty-type bandit splurged his 23,500 cash haul in just one month on flash hotels and restaurants, fast cars and beautiful girls to blot out his miserable life, the Old Bail This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register Rapist Simon Vernage, who subjected a teenager to A mother’s worst nightmare became reality when she MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsWILMOT: SHADOW BOXER’S DEATH PLUNGE TEACHER ON THE RAMPAGE THE VAGINA CATALOGUE DOCTOR SUCKED PREGNANT PATIENT’S BREAST ‘LIKE A BABY’ She nicked £1.2m – and didn’t go to jail Recent PostsWILMOT: SHADOW BOXER’S DEATH PLUNGE TEACHER ON THE RAMPAGE THE VAGINA CATALOGUE DOCTOR SUCKED PREGNANT PATIENT’S BREAST ‘LIKE A BABY’ She nicked £1.2m – and didn’t go to jail MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsJailed until death: Triple killer will never be released JOHN WORBOYS: THE BLACK CAB RAPIST The ‘Babes in the Wood’ killer JONATHAN KING: THE LURE OF CELEBRITY Judge slams the greed of recluse killer as she gives him 31 years Recent PostsJailed until death: Triple killer will never be released JOHN WORBOYS: THE BLACK CAB RAPIST The ‘Babes in the Wood’ killer JONATHAN KING: THE LURE OF CELEBRITY Judge slams the greed of recluse killer as she gives him 31 years