A terrified mother was raped in her own home by he 2 Nov 1995 A terrified mother was raped in her own home by her ex-lover after she told him their relationship was over, an Old Bailey jury heard. The alleged victim’s 12-year-old daughter desperately This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A teenage girl who launched a frenzied knife attac A battling granny fought off a cowardly mugger who MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsChaplain punched bank workers while high on mind-bending drugs Council boss bought dildo with Grenfell Towers survivor’s money THE TRANSVESTITE AND THE ‘CURIOUS’ CALLER PENSIONER BLAMES RACISM ON HIS CAT Lover gives Tory peer a shock with three foot penis Recent PostsChaplain punched bank workers while high on mind-bending drugs Council boss bought dildo with Grenfell Towers survivor’s money THE TRANSVESTITE AND THE ‘CURIOUS’ CALLER PENSIONER BLAMES RACISM ON HIS CAT Lover gives Tory peer a shock with three foot penis MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsKnifeman stabbed lecturer to death while claiming to be ‘black Messiah’ Karl Manning and Marie Therese Kouao:THE MURDER OF ANNA CLIMBIE You’re disgusting! Four and a half years for the Grenfell Fraudster The Killer Under the Bed THE LAYABOUT IN THE LOFT Recent PostsKnifeman stabbed lecturer to death while claiming to be ‘black Messiah’ Karl Manning and Marie Therese Kouao:THE MURDER OF ANNA CLIMBIE You’re disgusting! Four and a half years for the Grenfell Fraudster The Killer Under the Bed THE LAYABOUT IN THE LOFT