Bus bomb hoaxer who built a fake bomb ‘repeatedly breached anti-terror order’


A convicted bomb hoaxer, who once left a fake explosive device on a bus has been accused of repeatedly breaching his anti-terrorism order.

Nicholas Roddis, 37, faces four counts of failing to comply with notification requirements in
under the Counter-Terrorism Act 2008.

Roddis, from Doncaster, south Yorkshire, was remanded in custody today (weds) after appearing at Westminster Magistrates’ Court today (weds).

He admitted placing a hoax bomb with intent and engaging in the preparation of an act of terrorism in 2008, and was jailed for seven years.

Leeds Crown Court had heard how he had built a fake bomb from bags of sugar wrapped in duct tape, wires and an alarm clock.

He left the ‘bomb’ in a plastic bag on a bus in Rotherham, causing the bus to be evacuated and huge delays on the network.

Roddis’ defence lawyers claimed he was a ‘harmless fanatic’ who had no links to terrorist organisations.

He was released in July 2014 and made subject to a notification order, due to expire in November 2030.

Deputy Chief Magistrate Tan Ikram remanded Roddis in custody ahead of his trial at Sheffield Crown Court on 12 October.

Roddis faces four counts of failing to comply with notification requirements between 21 April and 5 May 2022. The failures relate to three mobile phones and a Halifax debit card.