Fadi Nasri, Rodger Leslie and Jason Jones: THE MURDER OF NISHA PATEL
His performance as the grieving husband was flawless.
Staring earfully at the camera during a press conference, Fadi Nasri pleadedfor help finding the killers of his special constable wife who was tabbed to death defending her home from burglars.
‘Obviously, someone has got a guilty conscience,’ he said,
‘They shall be worrying about what they have done, or be shocked; or maybe it was an accident or mistake, or whatever.’
To the outside world the couple seemed to have the perfect relationship.
Married for three years, they both ran their own businesses, claimed they were making good salaries and were the envy of family and friends.
But police quickly discovered the perfect husband was leading a double life and had seven deadly motives for killing his wife:

GREED – Fadi wanted to cash in on his wife’s £350,000 life insurance policy and £17,000 home insurance.
PRIDE – Fadi was embarrassed by his mounting debts. The couple owed more than £100,000 to banks and building societies.
ENVY – Fadi believed his wife was having an affair.
LUST – Fadi was secretly cheating on Nisha with a Lithuanian prostitute Laura Mockiene.
SLOTH -Fadi was angry that his wife’s constant nagging about his laziness and annoyed she was dragging her feet over signing her share of the limousine business over to him.
GLUTTONY -Fadi was desperate to get his hands on more cash to fund his lavish champagne lifestyle and luxury holidays with Ms Mockiene.
WRATH – Fadi was furious when Nisha threatened divorce because he would not give her a baby.
Muslim Nasri had met his Hindu wife through a friend in 2001 when he was running a car valet business and working in Top Pizza, east Finchley.
Bornin Beirut, he arrived in the UK aged seven to live with his father,having previously been cared for by his grandmother and aunt when his parents separated.
Nasri had married in this country before he met Nisha Patel, but the relationship only lasted a couple of years.
Together they set up the Seventh Heaven escort agency together and then Nasri moved into the limousine business.
He splashed out up to £80,000 on a stretch Hummer to launch ‘Limo Lounge’in 2003 and claimed he was earning up to £150,000 a year.
By then the couple were married after a series of ceremonies. Nisha also ran her own hairdressing business ‘Perfections’ and the couple seemed to be hard-working and happy.
But friend Rosemin Singh, who thought of Nisha as ‘a sister’, said Fadi told her he believed his wife was having an affair.
‘He had a grin on his face,’ said Ms Singh. ‘I said to him that that wasn’t true. When I said that he said “Well I’m not going to say anything to the police. I’m not going to bad mouth her.”
Nisha also confided in Ms Singh that there were problems in the marriage.

‘It’s always the same, he’s too tired to have sex,’ grumbled Nisha to her friend.
She told Ms Singh how Fadi left her alone my herself most evenings, and would not return until the early hours.
Ms Singh said: ‘She very much wanted a child. They weren’t using contraception. I know that she did mention getting some tests done to make sure everything was OK.
‘She had to keep pushing Fadi to get testing done. I think he went once but that was it.’
Another friend, human resources manager Asha Mitra, told how Nisha nagged her husband about his limousine business.
‘She used to tell me that she was very stressed out and there was a lot of things she was managing simultaneously.
‘She had the hair and beauty business. Her husband had the limousine business but he didn’t do as much as she would have liked him to do.
‘She always had to micro-manage and nag him.’
Another friend PC Lena Parry witnessed the couple arguing about their sex life.
Nisha told her: ‘If I’m not getting any sex at home I will have to look elsewhere.’
The special constable was desperate to become a mother but confided to friends that Fadi was often ‘too tired’ for sex.
She pestered him to be tested for impotency but he refused.
Nisha told friends she was’in the sh*t’ financially but behind her back Fadi was spending money on his prostitute lover ‘like water.’
He met Laura Mockiene after visiting her brothel in Victoria, west London in between limousine driving jobs.
Initially he had sex with a number of different prostitutes but a relationship started after they talked about her six-year-old daughter who had to undergo a brain operation.
He continued to see the prostitute,who was in her mid twenties up to three times a week but she stopped charging him for sex when they began dating.
They stayed in top hotel across London and the south east and were went to the £235-a-night Coppid Beech Hotel in Bracknell, Berks, before and after his wife’s death.
Police believe at the time of his wife’s death Laura was pregnant with his child and had an abortion in Lithuania.
Nasri also kept terrible family secret
Nasri’s father Farouk Mohammed Nasri, 54, escaped justice in 2001 when he hanged himself in his cell at Leicester Prison.
He was on remand after his girlfriend Jennifer Elverson, aged 28, and her son, Benjamin aged seven died in a house fire at their home in Normanton, Derby.
The father was accused of dousing them with petrol before setting the house ablaze.
Nasri had a number of criminal friends and after deciding he wanted his wife dead it was easy for him to set up the hit through Rodger Leslie, 38, a notorious heroin dealer.
Jason Jones, 36, would be the hitman driven to the scene by Tony Emmanuel, 42.
It would be Fadi’s second attempt to kill his wife. Their £410,000 home in Sudbury Avenue, Wembley, northwest London, was broken into five daysbefore her death.
Fadi organised a convenient limo job and left Nisha at the hands of unidentified killers. But the brave special constable refused to let the men in her home and they were forced to leave.
The husband promised to install security cameras after the incident but placed the order on the day of the killing, knowing they would not arrive in time.
On the night before the murder the pair had celebrated their third anniversary with a party at a restaurant.
Nisha was still worried after the attempted break-in and did not want Fadi to leave her alone in the house when he went to play snooker with a friend at the Colindale Club on Edgware Road on Thursday May 11 2006.
She texted childhood friend Naina Taylor just hours before her death to say she was upset with her husband.
Fadi promised not to be late and told Nisha to lock the doors securely, knowing it was a futile gesture because he had given a set of keys to Leslie so Jones could get in.
As the killer made his way to thehouse Nisha busied herself in the kitchen making the liquid for a chocolate fountain in the kitchen, watching television in her pyjamas and counting the takings from the business.
Jones slipped into the house shortly before midnight. At the time Nisha was upstairs but came down when she heard an intruder in the house.
When Jones spotted the young woman near the doorway he lunged at her stabbing her in the groin. She fled from the house pursued by her killer.
Neighbour Geraldine Thompson was in bed with her husband Luca when she heard Nisha scream ‘help, help, he’s following me’ as Jones chased Nisha from her house with blood spurting from her leg.
The couple raced outside to find the special constable crouching in distress and screaming: ‘I’ve been stabbed.’
Nisha had been knifed in her left groin and the wound severed a major artery. A trail of bloody footprints led from her house.
As she clutched at her wound Nisha repeated: ”I’ve been stabbed”
Mr Thompson used his dressing gown to staunch the bleeding as Nisha said: ”I’m scared” before she passed out.
Witnesses saw Jones, wearing a hooded top calmly walking away into nearby Charterhouse Avenue where Emmanuel was waiting.
When Fadi arrived at the scene he slipped effortlessly into the role of the shocked husband, sobbing ‘Oh my God Nisha,’ as she was stretchered away.
Nisha bled to death before she arrived at hospital.
In the weeks following the murder Nasri called at the Thompson’s home to thank the couple for trying to save his wife’s life and was a pallbearer at Nisha’s funeral.
He became convinced he had got away with murder and fed police a string of possible culprits.
Nasri claimed a Scottish limousine owner called ‘Lisa’ who had threatened to slit his wife’s throat.
He also said Nisha’s brother had threatened her life after realising he had been left out of a share in their mother’s house.
And he told police his wife had been attacked outside her home by a mentally disturbed man who had been sectioned following the incident.
He also hinted that the violent boyfriend of their cleaner may have discovered Nisha was present when his girlfriend twice aborted their child.
As police struggled to find a motive, he began to relax,transferring his wife’s assets into his own name and booking romantic holidays with Ms Mockiene.
Photographs discovered later showed the couple laughing and flirting during a trip to Romania in the summer after Nisha’s death.
He also took his mistress to the Sheraton Hotel in Cairo for romantic break at the Pyramids.
But unknown to Fadi, Jones had made a fatal error. When he dumped the murder weapon in a nearby drain he had not noticed a CCTV camera was trained on that exact spot.
When police found the knife they went back to the footage and found the logbook of the Audi A4 getaway car was in the name of Emmanuel’s girlfriend.
Soon police had recovered pictures of Fadi and his lover and a motive for the murder was clear.
Emmanuel refused to bear responsibility alone and named Jones as the knifeman claiming the killer admitted stabbing Nisha.
Jones told him he only meant to give Nisha ‘a hiding’ because her husband was angry about her affair. But he said the situation got out of control.
The killer also told friend Daniel Fox ‘It was either her or me’ while out clubbing in Forest Gate, east London after his arrest.
And Jones told Emmanuel he had seen piles of cash in the sitting room of Nisha’s home.
‘He could only have known that fact if he had been in the house,’ said a police source, ‘We never released that information.’
When police re-interviewed Fadi about his wife’s death in the autumn of 2007 it appeared he was finally going to confess.
Fadi wept as he told Detective Chief Inspector Nick Scola: “I have something to tell you. I know what it was all about”.
When DCI Scola asked if the motive for the killing was drugs or a bungled robbery, Nasri wept and said: “I can’t tell you.”
DCI Scola said: ‘Fadi stated he had something to tell us but he needed time to come to terms with it. He kept breaking down into a cycle of tears.’
But Fadi refused to reveal any more details possibly because he was terrified of Jones, who had already threatened to shoot Emmanuel and his family.
He eventually confessed to his affair with Ms Mockiene but during the trial claimed sex had been the ‘last thing on my mind’ after the killing.
At the trial Emmanuel and Leslie claimed they were only involved in a drugs deal in the street while Jones said he was nowhere near Wembley on the night of the killing.

Scary…Roger Leslie
Leslie admitted setting up a £40,000 cocaine deal at Sudbury Avenue on the night of the killing and said he was due to pick up the drugs from theback of Fadi’s stretch limo.
But he claimed his car broke down and he got Jones to make the pick up.
Jones claimed he had been offered £20,000 by Emmanuel to confess to the killing.
Fadi insisted he had never been involved in a drugs deal and had never planned to have his wife killed.
‘No murder at all, whatsoever. No plan,’ he told the court.
Nasri,of Sudbury Avenue, Wembley, north west London, Jones, from Hathaway Crescent, Manor Park, east London, and Leslie, of Chesterfield Flats, Bells Hill, Barnet and Emmanuel, of Clements Road, East Ham, east London, all denied murder.
Nasri and Jones were both jailed for life and told they must serve at least 20 years before they can be considered for parole.
Rodger Leslie was jailed for life and told he must serve a minimum of 18 years before he can be released.
Emmanuel was cleared after he insisted he had no idea Nisha was to be killed.
The Recorder of London, Judge Peter Beaumont QC said: ‘Nisha Patel Nasri was a loyal, loving and supportive wife.
‘Her death undoubtedly provided an opportunity to Fadi Nasri to continue his liaison with his mistress and undoubtedly produced financial gain.’
Nisha’s brother Pilesh said Nasri said outside court: ‘This was a wicked and heinous crime carried out purely for financial gain.’
His brother Katen said in a statement: ‘Allegations suggesting that my Nisha was a secret vice madam and one who abused her status as a police woman comes as a total shock and I am disgusted and offended by the comments made.’