Jailing Parkins for nine years, the Common Sergean 2 Nov 2002 Jailing Parkins for nine years, the Common Sergeant of London, Judge Peter Beaumont said he took ‘terrible revenge’ when his wife refused to come back to him. ‘You have a terrible temper. You do n This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A solicitor who used clients’ money to pay his tel Nurse Amanda Gordon later denied ‘gouging’ the for MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsI’M GROWING 109 SKUNK WEED PLANTS BECAUSE I HAVE A PAINFUL BOTTOM THE ‘APPALLING’ ORDEAL OF THE JET-SET ASYLUM SEEKER DEATH BY REMOTE CONTROL OYE-OSEI: TEACHER KILLED HERSELF WITH FLAMMABLE HAND GEL Crane driver who flushed his wife’s head down the toilet Recent PostsI’M GROWING 109 SKUNK WEED PLANTS BECAUSE I HAVE A PAINFUL BOTTOM THE ‘APPALLING’ ORDEAL OF THE JET-SET ASYLUM SEEKER DEATH BY REMOTE CONTROL OYE-OSEI: TEACHER KILLED HERSELF WITH FLAMMABLE HAND GEL Crane driver who flushed his wife’s head down the toilet MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsKnifeman stabbed lecturer to death while claiming to be ‘black Messiah’ THE LAYABOUT IN THE LOFT John Duffy and David Mulcahy: KILLING TO BE GOD ‘Freezer Killer’ kept a body iced for three years and then murdered again THE FIRST DATE KILLER Recent PostsKnifeman stabbed lecturer to death while claiming to be ‘black Messiah’ THE LAYABOUT IN THE LOFT John Duffy and David Mulcahy: KILLING TO BE GOD ‘Freezer Killer’ kept a body iced for three years and then murdered again THE FIRST DATE KILLER