Lee Rigby’s killers minutes after the murder… 19 Dec 2013 Michael Adebolajo and Michael Adebowale walk nonchalantly around the scene with knives as the body of Lee Rigby lies in the road Please enable JavaScript LinkEmbedCopy and paste this HTML code into your webpage to embed. LI QUAN: ‘TIGER WOMAN’ ACCUSED OF CHARITY RIP-OFF PANDYA: COPS PULL PLUG ON CIRCUMCISION HEARING MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsDEATH AT THE EMBASSY THE AMOROUS DOCTOR Woman attacked mum and dad when she could not find her pet snail BUTTOCK SURGERY NIGHTMARE Woman who hid drugs in her vagina gets a three-and-a-half year stretch Recent PostsDEATH AT THE EMBASSY THE AMOROUS DOCTOR Woman attacked mum and dad when she could not find her pet snail BUTTOCK SURGERY NIGHTMARE Woman who hid drugs in her vagina gets a three-and-a-half year stretch MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsGRAHAM COUTTS: THE BONDAGE STRANGLER Michael Morton: The killer architect STUART HARLING: BRITAIN’S MOST DANGEROUS TEENAGER DANIEL BROUGHAM: WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER NOW? Britain’s most perverted doctor Recent PostsGRAHAM COUTTS: THE BONDAGE STRANGLER Michael Morton: The killer architect STUART HARLING: BRITAIN’S MOST DANGEROUS TEENAGER DANIEL BROUGHAM: WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER NOW? Britain’s most perverted doctor