NASIM: ASIAN ROBBER POSES AS SUICIDE BOMBER 24 Mar 2011 LOUGHTON, DEBDEN, BUCKHURST HILL, ESSEX. An Asian robber who ‘took advantage of his ethnic origin’ to pose as a suicide bomber and steal money from terrified bank cashiers was jailed for four year This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register KOLLIARI: TRIAL OF JILTED LOVER COLLAPSES ANYANWU: ” GROUP SEX IS NOT A BIG THING” SAYS ALLEGED RAPIST MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsThe transgender thugs enraged by a fanny jibe Ballet trips and holidays paid for by patients who could not enjoy them DEATH BY REMOTE CONTROL THE VAGINA CATALOGUE THE FONDLING DENTIST Recent PostsThe transgender thugs enraged by a fanny jibe Ballet trips and holidays paid for by patients who could not enjoy them DEATH BY REMOTE CONTROL THE VAGINA CATALOGUE THE FONDLING DENTIST MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsRolf Harris: The End of Innocence ROGER FRISBY: THE GAS MARK EIGHT KILLER THE RITUAL OF DEATH The Night Stalker He murdered his family out of spite when his wife refused to help him with his visa Recent PostsRolf Harris: The End of Innocence ROGER FRISBY: THE GAS MARK EIGHT KILLER THE RITUAL OF DEATH The Night Stalker He murdered his family out of spite when his wife refused to help him with his visa