Police battle knifeman Mohammed Rahman in London’s West End

Harrowing police bodycam footage shows a phone robber repeatedly stabbing two officers in a horrific attack in London’s West End.

Mohammed Rahman, 25, knifed a male officer knife times to his head, arm and chest, three days before the Queen’s funeral last September.

Rahman stabbed a police woman through the arm when she tried to tackle Rahman near Leicester Square.

The officers, from Central West Command Unit, approached Rahman after he robbed a man of his mobile phone and powerbank in Shaftesbury Avenue on September 16, Kingston Crown Court heard.

Rahman, wielding a knife, refused to co-operate and suddenly lunged towards them.

He then ran off pursued by the two officers as they called for back up.

When they tried to arrest Rahman he stabbed one of the female officers, named only as PC Mulhall though her right upper arm. The wound cut through the muscle down to the bone.

Her colleagues tried to tackle Rahman but the knifeman tried to murder a male officer, named only as PC Gerrard.

He was left with five stab wounds to his head, arm and chest, while a wound to his chest  punctured his lung.

A third officer received a slight wound to his finger during the struggle.

Paramedics at the scene rendered first aid to PC Gerrard and saved his life.

The bodyworn footage shows the officers covered in blood before bare-footed Rahman is restrained with a Taser.

Rahman was convicted by a jury of attempted murder and GBH with intent in relation to PC Gerrard and PC Mulhall.

He was also convicted of assault causing actual bodily harm and two counts of threatening a person in a public place with a bladed article, relating to three other constables and possession of a bladed article.

Rahman, who attended his first court hearing clutching a prayer mat, was also convicted of robbery.

Prosecutor Rose Edwin had earlier told the court how Rahman stabbed PC Gerrard repeatedly to the neck and chest.

‘PC Mulhall suffered lacerations to the back side of her right upper arm which extended right through to the bone.

‘These were vicious assaults perpetrated against officers who were just trying to carry out their job.’

The two officers who were stabbed were taken to hospital where they underwent surgery for their injuries. Both returned to duty earlier this year.

Rahman, of Westbourne Park Road, Notting Hill, was remanded in custody ahead of sentence on 8 December.

Chief Superintendent Louise Puddefoot, in charge of policing in Westminster, said: ‘Our colleagues almost certainly would have suffered more serious injuries that could have ended their careers, or worse, taken their lives, had it not been for the incredible support provided by their colleagues. The initial first aid provided by officers from Specialist Firearms Command (MO19) proved vital and may have saved the life of one of the officers.

‘The incident that led to today’s conviction is an important reminder of the bravery and selflessness of police officers; and highlights their willingness to face danger in order to protect others, something that takes place across London on a daily basis.

‘I have nothing but admiration for all of my colleagues who were involved. My thoughts are also with their families – who will have suffered when told the news that morning – and who have supported their recovery and continue to support them as they go back to work.

‘Our two colleagues who were seriously injured had been in the Met for only a couple of years, but they exemplify the courage that often goes unnoticed. They have only recently returned to duties, and we will continue to provide them with as much assistance as possible.

‘It is clear that Rahman posed a serious threat to the public. He was carrying a knife and did not hesitate to use it.

‘I would also like to thank our colleagues in the Specialist Crime Command who led the subsequent investigation and continue to engage with us throughout.

‘The actions of all of the officers involved, from the initial response, to putting evidence before a jury, have helped to take a dangerous man off the streets for what I hope will be a significant amount of time.’

David Malone, Deputy Chief Crown Prosecutor for CPS London South, said: ‘This was a shocking and horrific incident that highlights the courage required to be a frontline police officer. My thoughts are with those officers who were injured protecting our community.

‘May I also pay tribute to the Metropolitan Police Service for a meticulous investigation and to the prosecution team who worked tirelessly, building a strong case, to bring this this dangerous individual to justice.

‘I hope this case and today’s conviction sends out a clear message to those who carry knives and plan to harm others. You will be caught, and you will be prosecuted.’