The businesman behind a museum dedicated to fict 2 Nov 1995 The businesman behind a museum dedicated to fictional sleuth Sherlock Holmes has been jailed for three years for fraud. John Aidiniantz, 37, used money raised in a series of crooked mortgage a This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A teenage girl who launched a frenzied knife attac A battling granny fought off a cowardly mugger who MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsDON’T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD GO TO HOSPITAL DEAR? Ram raid on the mobility scooter She nicked £1.2m – and didn’t go to jail ‘Nazi salute? I was just waving to my friends’ THE HORNY DENTIST Recent PostsDON’T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD GO TO HOSPITAL DEAR? Ram raid on the mobility scooter She nicked £1.2m – and didn’t go to jail ‘Nazi salute? I was just waving to my friends’ THE HORNY DENTIST MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsThe ‘Babes in the Wood’ killer Levi Bellfield: The Bus Stop Stalker The Batman sadist who killed twice DEATH OF A STAR The litter picker hitman Recent PostsThe ‘Babes in the Wood’ killer Levi Bellfield: The Bus Stop Stalker The Batman sadist who killed twice DEATH OF A STAR The litter picker hitman