TRAVIS: HORSEPLAY WENT ON AT DLT PANTOMIME THEATRE 15 Sep 2014 AYLESBURY, BUCKS; CRAWLEY, WEST SUSSEX The pantomime director of the show where Dave Lee Travis allegedly groped a stage hand said ‘horseplay’ went on because it was a ‘theatre not a monastery.’ This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register BELLINGER-BROWN:FORMER CADET CLEARED OF MOLESTING WOMAN BROOMFIELD: VOLUNTARY ERASURE FOR DISHONEST SOCIAL WORKER MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsDANGEROUS DOCTOR? NO PROBLEM IF YOU’VE GOT RELATIVES AT KINGSTON HOSPITAL THE EAR IN THE FROSTIES PACKET THE BUSYBODY AND THE ‘JOKE’ JURY THE PERVERTED BELLY DANCE INSTRUCTOR THE HORNY DENTIST Recent PostsDANGEROUS DOCTOR? NO PROBLEM IF YOU’VE GOT RELATIVES AT KINGSTON HOSPITAL THE EAR IN THE FROSTIES PACKET THE BUSYBODY AND THE ‘JOKE’ JURY THE PERVERTED BELLY DANCE INSTRUCTOR THE HORNY DENTIST MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsKiller Elijah Gokool-Mely who wrote a rap in his cell bragging about canal murder gets 20 years Ken Regan, Bill Horncy and Peter Rees:THE MURDER GAME The rape and murder spree of the ‘E17 Night Stalker’ ‘Bermondsey Bloodbath’ killer Joshua Jacques was smoking 15 joints a day JOHN WORBOYS: THE BLACK CAB RAPIST Recent PostsKiller Elijah Gokool-Mely who wrote a rap in his cell bragging about canal murder gets 20 years Ken Regan, Bill Horncy and Peter Rees:THE MURDER GAME The rape and murder spree of the ‘E17 Night Stalker’ ‘Bermondsey Bloodbath’ killer Joshua Jacques was smoking 15 joints a day JOHN WORBOYS: THE BLACK CAB RAPIST