Oligarch claims ex-lover is not entitled to a penny

A Russian oligarch today (mon) denied his former lover was entitled to any of his wealth, including works of art and property.

Lolita Danilina parted from Vladimir Chernukhin, 49, in 2007 and has since joined forces with rival oligarch Oleg Deripaska, who has an estimated worth of £2.5billion.

She claims there was a ‘handshake agreement’ between her and Mr Chernukhin agreeing her ownership of assets worth tens of millions pounds.

Mrs Danilina insists she is entitled to her share of a £99 million trust fund which she claims was set up after a meeting in Zurich when the two separated.

She claims she visited Mr Chernukhin in the Swiss city believing they were going to be married, but he denies this.

Mr Chernukhin insists there was was never any agreement entitling his ex-lover to half of his vast fortune, including famous artworks, jewellery and property across Europe.

He argues he set up trust funds to protect his business interests, following his removal as deputy finance minister of the Russian government by President Vladimir Putin in 2004.

Shortly after his bust-up with one of the world’s most feared political operators he came to London and married his current wife Lubov, 46.

Mr Deripaska, 50, a Putin ally, is appealing an arbitration ruling requiring him to hand over £74 million to Mr Chernukhin for a factory they had both owned.

The Moscow based textile factory TGM was today estimated to be worth up to £1.5 billion dollars by Mr Chernukhin who believed the 22-acre site could be developed.

Mr Chernukhin claims Mr Deripaska authorised an armed takeover of the factory in December 2010 which saw his employees thrown out.

But billionaire Mr Deripaska has dismissed Mr Chernukhin’s claims as a ‘fantasy’.

Giving evicence at the High Court in central London today (mon) Mr Chernukhin said: ‘I had nothing in my whole life owned jointly with Mrs Danilina.

‘What I could confirm formally and without any hesitation is that I have never had any mutual assets between Mrs Danilina.

‘Everything was mine. How is it possible, what she suggests, everything was 50/50?’

Graham Chapman, QC, representing Mrs Danilina, asked: ‘$125 million was to go into a new joint trust which would be shared 50/50?’

Mr Chernukhin replied quickly: ‘No, wrong assumption.’

Passages of Mrs Danilina’s diary were produced in evidence today which she claims show Mr Chernukhin agreed to a division of assets.

Mr Chapman said: ‘Mrs Danilina would have the Russian residential real estate. You would have the residential real estate overseas.

‘Your personal items would be divided according to your interests. You would take the cars and weapons and she would take the jewellery and artwork. That was the deal wasn’t it?’

Mr Chernukhin replied: ‘No, my answer is no, it is extremely implausible.’

Mrs Danilina also claims she owned 50% of TMG which Mr Chernukhin denies claiming she was his front for business in Russia.

The hearing continues but Mr Justice Teare is not expected to give his judgment until February or March next year.