A Birmingham pharmacist who countersigned three pa 18 Sep 1990 A Birmingham pharmacist who countersigned three passport application forms for people he did not know had three months of his nine-month prison sentence suspended by the Criminal Appeal Court in Lo This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register An Eccles man who claimed he was ‘an innocent dupe A tragic young woman died after taking a lethal co MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsBRADLEY WIGGINS SIDEBURNS – MADE OUT OF PUBIC HAIR DOCTOR’S VODKA AND COKE ON MOTORWAY VERGE FAST WILLY: THE FAKE CALLS AMBULANCEMAN Nurse set off fire alarm to see colleague’s breasts bounce as she ran down the corridor THE NURSE OBSESSED WITH WOMEN’S KNICKERS Recent PostsBRADLEY WIGGINS SIDEBURNS – MADE OUT OF PUBIC HAIR DOCTOR’S VODKA AND COKE ON MOTORWAY VERGE FAST WILLY: THE FAKE CALLS AMBULANCEMAN Nurse set off fire alarm to see colleague’s breasts bounce as she ran down the corridor THE NURSE OBSESSED WITH WOMEN’S KNICKERS MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsMATTHEW QUESADA: THE JASON BOURNE FANTASIES OF THE CAFE KILLER You’re disgusting! Four and a half years for the Grenfell Fraudster Killer was wrongly released from a life sentence He murdered his family out of spite when his wife refused to help him with his visa John Sweeney: ‘THE SCALP HUNTER’ Recent PostsMATTHEW QUESADA: THE JASON BOURNE FANTASIES OF THE CAFE KILLER You’re disgusting! Four and a half years for the Grenfell Fraudster Killer was wrongly released from a life sentence He murdered his family out of spite when his wife refused to help him with his visa John Sweeney: ‘THE SCALP HUNTER’