A detective was dragged 20 yards on the bonnet of 2 Nov 1991 A detective was dragged 20 yards on the bonnet of a car after he tried to stop a suspected car thief, a court heard. Det. Sgt. Keith Butler was eventually pushed off the car by the passenge This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register The two ‘dangerous and cold-blooded’ murderers of An Old Bailey judge praised a bookie for getting r MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsTHE FINANCIAL ADVISOR AND THE POP-SOCKS THE FARTING DENTIST MUMMY’S BOY ONE-LEGGED MAN STOLE A LEG – OF PORK Blindfold attacker must reveal his identity before he has sex Recent PostsTHE FINANCIAL ADVISOR AND THE POP-SOCKS THE FARTING DENTIST MUMMY’S BOY ONE-LEGGED MAN STOLE A LEG – OF PORK Blindfold attacker must reveal his identity before he has sex MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsKarl Manning and Marie Therese Kouao:THE MURDER OF ANNA CLIMBIE PETER WALLNER: THE COOK, HIS WIFE, THE FREEZER AND HER MOTHER The killer arrested in his victim’s knickers Nicola Edgington: ‘I’m a very dangerous schizophrenic.’ THE FIRST DATE KILLER Recent PostsKarl Manning and Marie Therese Kouao:THE MURDER OF ANNA CLIMBIE PETER WALLNER: THE COOK, HIS WIFE, THE FREEZER AND HER MOTHER The killer arrested in his victim’s knickers Nicola Edgington: ‘I’m a very dangerous schizophrenic.’ THE FIRST DATE KILLER