A father who ‘brutally, tragically and senseless 2 Nov 1991 A father who ‘brutally, tragically and senselessly’ slayed his five-months-pregnant wife and his beloved 18-month-old son is to be sent to Rampton. Altaf Hussain, 27, dictated a family suici This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A callous robber who mugged frail pensioners in br A learner driver who killed her husband in his own MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsCON AIR: THE JET-SET DOLE GYPSIES THE AMOROUS DOCTOR DOCTOR’S VODKA AND COKE ON MOTORWAY VERGE THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORROR HOSPITAL WORKER IN POOL OF URINE WAS NO LAUGHING MATTER Recent PostsCON AIR: THE JET-SET DOLE GYPSIES THE AMOROUS DOCTOR DOCTOR’S VODKA AND COKE ON MOTORWAY VERGE THE LITTLE SHOP OF HORROR HOSPITAL WORKER IN POOL OF URINE WAS NO LAUGHING MATTER MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsIan Huntley and Maxine Carr: THE SECRET OF SOHAM Danby, Hall and O’Toole: ANY EXCUSE TO KILL The ‘Indecent Proposal’ strangler The litter picker hitman The sex attacker who became a killer when he lost his job Recent PostsIan Huntley and Maxine Carr: THE SECRET OF SOHAM Danby, Hall and O’Toole: ANY EXCUSE TO KILL The ‘Indecent Proposal’ strangler The litter picker hitman The sex attacker who became a killer when he lost his job