A mother who threw her 10-month-old baby to her de 2 Nov 2002 A mother who threw her 10-month-old baby to her death in a fit of jealous rage was spared jail today after a judge called her ‘loving and caring.'(FRI) Helen Patterson, 20, hurled her tiny daughter This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register The committee later heard that Dr Ghosh ignored re A kickboxing champion murdered a playgroup worker MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsPAUL LOVELL: THE MAN WHO TRIED TO HAVE ORAL SEX WITH A COW BUTTOCK SURGERY NIGHTMARE WOMAN WASHED HER FRIEND’S CORPSE FOR THREE WEEKS THE FINANCIAL ADVISOR AND THE POP-SOCKS THE FLASHER AND THE MOTHER Recent PostsPAUL LOVELL: THE MAN WHO TRIED TO HAVE ORAL SEX WITH A COW BUTTOCK SURGERY NIGHTMARE WOMAN WASHED HER FRIEND’S CORPSE FOR THREE WEEKS THE FINANCIAL ADVISOR AND THE POP-SOCKS THE FLASHER AND THE MOTHER MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsKnifeman stabbed lecturer to death while claiming to be ‘black Messiah’ THE ‘BAD, BAD MAN’ Fiona Beal gets life sentence with a minimum of 20 years The gay serial killer who should have been stopped after his first murder THE MASKELL TWINS: BRITAIN’S DUMBEST KILLERS Recent PostsKnifeman stabbed lecturer to death while claiming to be ‘black Messiah’ THE ‘BAD, BAD MAN’ Fiona Beal gets life sentence with a minimum of 20 years The gay serial killer who should have been stopped after his first murder THE MASKELL TWINS: BRITAIN’S DUMBEST KILLERS