A nightclub goer who pinched a fellow reveller’s b 2 Nov 1994 A nightclub goer who pinched a fellow reveller’s bottom after mistaking him for an acquaintance was viciously stabbed, a jury was told today (Monday). John Bergstrom-Potter’s ‘revenge’ for G This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A gang of armed robbers shot at police during a A jilted cabbie kidnapped his ex-girlfriend and bu MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsKILLED BY HIS OWN SIGNET RING The transgender thugs enraged by a fanny jibe A binge of biblical proportions with the boozy vicar of Ilford Surgeon killed himself after row over his obsession with chickens THE VAGINA CATALOGUE Recent PostsKILLED BY HIS OWN SIGNET RING The transgender thugs enraged by a fanny jibe A binge of biblical proportions with the boozy vicar of Ilford Surgeon killed himself after row over his obsession with chickens THE VAGINA CATALOGUE MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsMurder by gaslight Mark Dixie: THE KILLER ON THE DOORSTEP Richard Huckle: Britain’s worst ever paedophile STUART HARLING: BRITAIN’S MOST DANGEROUS TEENAGER ‘Freezer Killer’ kept a body iced for three years and then murdered again Recent PostsMurder by gaslight Mark Dixie: THE KILLER ON THE DOORSTEP Richard Huckle: Britain’s worst ever paedophile STUART HARLING: BRITAIN’S MOST DANGEROUS TEENAGER ‘Freezer Killer’ kept a body iced for three years and then murdered again