A woman caught shoplifting led police to find hund 2 Nov 1991 A woman caught shoplifting led police to find hundreds of pounds worth of drugs at her home. But 41.5 grammes of amphetamine sulphate – with a street value of pnds stlg 400 to 600 – was to fee This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A brutal husband today (Fri) pleaded guilty to r A bizarre feud finally ended with an ex-public sch MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsSHOWBIZ LEGEND DIED WITH HIS HEAD IN A DOG BOWL A binge of biblical proportions with the boozy vicar of Ilford Racist sets his hair on fire DON’T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD GO TO HOSPITAL DEAR? KILLED BY HIS OWN SIGNET RING Recent PostsSHOWBIZ LEGEND DIED WITH HIS HEAD IN A DOG BOWL A binge of biblical proportions with the boozy vicar of Ilford Racist sets his hair on fire DON’T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD GO TO HOSPITAL DEAR? KILLED BY HIS OWN SIGNET RING MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsAndrew Morris: The Speargun Killer BRIAN FIELD: THE BOY WHO NEVER CAME HOME The Killer Under the Bed Dano Sonnex and Nigel Farmer:THE TARANTINO MURDERS ANTONI IMIELA: THE M25 RAPIST Recent PostsAndrew Morris: The Speargun Killer BRIAN FIELD: THE BOY WHO NEVER CAME HOME The Killer Under the Bed Dano Sonnex and Nigel Farmer:THE TARANTINO MURDERS ANTONI IMIELA: THE M25 RAPIST