An art lover accused of destroying nearly one mill 3 Nov 2006 An art lover accused of destroying nearly one million pounds of paintings and property at a Turner Prize winner’s studio claimed today the damage was caused by drug dealers who were owed money. Peter This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A smoker who frightened an off-duty police officer Central News, Press Room, Central Criminal Court, MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsI THINK SOMETHING IS GOING ON BEHIND THE CURTAINS FAILED MY DRIVING TEST? WILL A WAD OF NOTES DO? Killer went on the run disguised as a woman The bandit who tried to rob bookies with a tin of pilchards DEATH BY SHED Recent PostsI THINK SOMETHING IS GOING ON BEHIND THE CURTAINS FAILED MY DRIVING TEST? WILL A WAD OF NOTES DO? Killer went on the run disguised as a woman The bandit who tried to rob bookies with a tin of pilchards DEATH BY SHED MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsBRIAN FIELD: THE BOY WHO NEVER CAME HOME ANTONI IMIELA: THE M25 RAPIST JAKE FAHRI: MURDER AT THE BAKERY The cannibal who ate cop with chopsticks ‘You will never be released’ – death behind bars for MP killer Recent PostsBRIAN FIELD: THE BOY WHO NEVER CAME HOME ANTONI IMIELA: THE M25 RAPIST JAKE FAHRI: MURDER AT THE BAKERY The cannibal who ate cop with chopsticks ‘You will never be released’ – death behind bars for MP killer