An artist who squirted a judge with paint and late 2 Nov 1995 An artist who squirted a judge with paint and later ‘mooned’ at him was convicted today (Wednesday) of scalding a fellow prison inmate with boiling water. Annarita Muraglia, 24, was recently This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A vicious gang of muggers who preyed on bank cus A civil servant who posed as his brother to cheat MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsFAST WILLY: THE FAKE CALLS AMBULANCEMAN WOMAN WASHED HER FRIEND’S CORPSE FOR THREE WEEKS OYE-OSEI: TEACHER KILLED HERSELF WITH FLAMMABLE HAND GEL Urinating father electrocuted Surgeon killed himself after row over his obsession with chickens Recent PostsFAST WILLY: THE FAKE CALLS AMBULANCEMAN WOMAN WASHED HER FRIEND’S CORPSE FOR THREE WEEKS OYE-OSEI: TEACHER KILLED HERSELF WITH FLAMMABLE HAND GEL Urinating father electrocuted Surgeon killed himself after row over his obsession with chickens MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsMATTHEW QUESADA: THE JASON BOURNE FANTASIES OF THE CAFE KILLER Rolf Harris: The End of Innocence The rapist who made the sign of the cross after every attack Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr: THE SECRET OF SOHAM JEFFREY ARCHER: SHEPHERDS PIE AND MAYFAIR TARTS Recent PostsMATTHEW QUESADA: THE JASON BOURNE FANTASIES OF THE CAFE KILLER Rolf Harris: The End of Innocence The rapist who made the sign of the cross after every attack Ian Huntley and Maxine Carr: THE SECRET OF SOHAM JEFFREY ARCHER: SHEPHERDS PIE AND MAYFAIR TARTS