DIZAEI:POLICE CHIEF RESORTED TO ‘DARK ARTS’ TO FRAME INNOCENT MAN 4 Feb 2010 KENSINGTON, WEST LONDON. Police chief Ali Dizaei resorted to the ‘dark arts’ to frame an innocent businessman for assault before attempting to smear his character, a court heard. Metropolitan Po This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register HOLMES:NURSE WAS SO DRUNK SHE BOUNCED OFF WALLS AT CARE HOME TEENAGER INVOLVED IN MATALAN RAID HAD BEEN PARTYING ALL NIGHT MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsFAILED MY DRIVING TEST? WILL A WAD OF NOTES DO? Lawyer who did Ku Klux Klan impersonation with a white envelope on his head is ordered to take diversity classes Bus driver killed pensioner when he tried to eat chocolate bar DON’T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD GO TO HOSPITAL DEAR? Killer went on the run disguised as a woman Recent PostsFAILED MY DRIVING TEST? WILL A WAD OF NOTES DO? Lawyer who did Ku Klux Klan impersonation with a white envelope on his head is ordered to take diversity classes Bus driver killed pensioner when he tried to eat chocolate bar DON’T YOU THINK YOU SHOULD GO TO HOSPITAL DEAR? Killer went on the run disguised as a woman MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsThe ‘Babes in the Wood’ killer ANTONI IMIELA: THE M25 RAPIST The killer arrested in his victim’s knickers ‘Walter Mitty’ fantasist and his accomplice get 35 years for murdering businesswoman Ken Regan, Bill Horncy and Peter Rees:THE MURDER GAME Recent PostsThe ‘Babes in the Wood’ killer ANTONI IMIELA: THE M25 RAPIST The killer arrested in his victim’s knickers ‘Walter Mitty’ fantasist and his accomplice get 35 years for murdering businesswoman Ken Regan, Bill Horncy and Peter Rees:THE MURDER GAME