Evil East End crime duo Desmond Daly and Shar 2 Nov 1991 Evil East End crime duo Desmond Daly and Sharon Fitten have each been caged for three years for imprisoning a young mother and beating her with a baseball bat. Both Daly, 2 This Content is for Members only Please register or login to access it Login Username Password Remember me Enter your email address or username Cancel Register A carpenter told today (Friday) how he accidentall A 70-year-old taxi driver accused of being involve MORE FROM SURREAL Recent PostsTHE DENTIST AND HIS THONG Jealous boyfriend flushed ex-partner’s hamster down the toilet TEACHER ON THE RAMPAGE Drink driver didn’t know how to blow in breath test Banned from standing behind strangers Recent PostsTHE DENTIST AND HIS THONG Jealous boyfriend flushed ex-partner’s hamster down the toilet TEACHER ON THE RAMPAGE Drink driver didn’t know how to blow in breath test Banned from standing behind strangers MORE FROM THE CRIME VAULTS Recent PostsBritain’s most perverted doctor DANIEL BROUGHAM: WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER NOW? STUART HARLING: BRITAIN’S MOST DANGEROUS TEENAGER The killer arrested in his victim’s knickers Mark Dixie: THE KILLER ON THE DOORSTEP Recent PostsBritain’s most perverted doctor DANIEL BROUGHAM: WHERE IS YOUR BROTHER NOW? STUART HARLING: BRITAIN’S MOST DANGEROUS TEENAGER The killer arrested in his victim’s knickers Mark Dixie: THE KILLER ON THE DOORSTEP