Joyrider brags about stealing car – then crashes it
A bungling thief stole a car and unwittingly recorded himself boasting about joyriding on the dashcam moments before he crashed into a wall, a court heard.
Kevin Moss, 28, calls his friend to say ‘I’m in trouble mate’ and then admits: ‘I’ve just stolen a car and I’m taking it for a joyride boy.’
Moss then smashes the vehicle into a wall on Constitution Hill in Woking, just minutes after he drove it away last 26 June.
The thief was nowhere to be found, but police downloaded the car’s dashcam footage and Moss’s DNA was found on the steering wheel.
In the dashcam footage Moss calls his friend who replies: ‘Whoah, huh? I can’t hear you mush.’
Moss explains: ‘I’m going to Guildford…his keys were left in it.’
His mate asks for him to turn the camera on and Moss replies: ‘I can’t drive with a camera, I’ve nearly wiped two motors clean off.’
Moss then says: ‘Hey. Hey! I stole his car, I’m driving it.’
The dashcam captures the sound of screeching brakes before he smashed into a wall, after reaching speeds of 50mph on a 30mph residential road.
Moss, of Rowan Close, Guildford, admitted burglary and aggravated vehicle taking at Guildford Crown Court.
He was sentenced to one year imprisonment, suspended for two years and ordered to complete 200 hours of unpaid community work.
Moss was also ordered to pay £1,000 in compensation to the victim.
Temporary Sergeant Christopher North said: ‘Not only did Moss burgle a home and take someone else’s property for his own enjoyment, he also went on to endanger the public by driving recklessly and carelessly through residential roads.
‘I hope that this investigation shows that we will not tolerate this kind of senseless behaviour in Surrey.’